Osteopathy and Dance







How to “interpret” and “manage” the pain during training in dance? The seminar Osteopathy and Dance aims to focus attention on the importance of proper information and understanding of the symptom “pain”, intended as the starting point to build in a dancer’s  own “ethics of the dancing body.” During his training, the dancer must be guided to recognize, understand and respect the messages that your body sends continuously, so that it can take care of it! From this point of view  will be dealt with some of the most common diseases found in the dancers, and how to prevent them, interpret them and treat them with the osteopathic treatment.



Margherita Marconi was born in Bari 4 July 1980. After graduating with honors and academic honors degree in Physiotherapy, decides to undertake the course of study to obtain the diploma in osteopathy, successfully reached a few years ago. During the formative years of study, parallel to the constant work, she has participated in numerous training courses enabling osteopathic and physiotherapy in order to increase and improve its theoretical and practical skills. The passion for the osteopathic brings her,  today,  to practice the profession of osteopath freelance at Studio NOA. From 2012 to now she works as an assistant to the training of the students enrolled at the School of Osteopathy Academy ATStill Italy.